by CivicMeter Staff | Mar 25, 2020 | Modelpedia, Uncategorized
A new forecast this week goes against the conventional wisdom that many countries are facing a long, painful recovery from COVID-19. The forecast from Michael Levitt, a Stanford biophysicist who received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2013, focuses on the number of...
by CivicMeter Staff | Mar 20, 2020 | Modelpedia, Uncategorized
A recent report from the Imperial College of London modeled three scenarios for how the COVID-19 pandemic could unfold. The model’s results showcase starkly different outcomes the United States, and the world, could face depending on how officials react to the...
by CivicMeter Staff | Feb 15, 2020 | Health vs. Hype
Health Versus Hype Project: January’s Most Over- and Under-Hyped Medical Research Studies Americans rely on the news media to accurately report on new health-related research. But the media often gives credence to dubious or inconclusive studies while ignoring...
by CivicMeter Staff | Jul 25, 2019 | Nonprofit Management
There is a technological arms race going on in the anti-fraud space. Would-be fraudsters are constantly deploying new tools and devising new schemes to part people from their money. Anti-fraud professionals fight back with new technologies and new strategies to foil...
by CivicMeter Staff | Oct 10, 2018 | Civic Analytics
Millions of research papers in Europe, previously behind journal paywalls, may soon become open for text and data mining, thanks to new legislation which will receive final approval in January. Academic researchers can rejoice. But if you’re a startup, getting...